Pueblo Grain Hearts

  • Sale
  • Regular price $25.00

These wonderful hearts are decorations for any season. Hearts, wreaths, and other decorative styles available made from organically certified, heritage grains. Choose from hearts, wreaths, or custom-made variants (also with sterling silver).

Large size, without hanging grain: 12x8 inches height x width (red ribbon)

Medium size heart 9x6 inches height x width (red ribbon)

Small heart 6x4 inches height x width (natural)

Email Nanna for special requests at nannalmeyer@gmail.com

Pre-orders are ready to be placed. Grain comes off the field in June/July. 

These decorations hold for years if handled with care. 

All options are shipped (shipping costs vary by size and location) except if special arrangements are made by email at nannalmeyer@gmail.com.